
Saigon Aluminum Company Limited - Brand "SGA - was established in 2009, with Ms. Nguyen Thi Kieu Van as the Director. The company specializes in distributing high-quality, elegant, and affordable domestic aluminum profiles.

The company was founded as a privately owned retail distributor of domestic aluminum profiles since early 2004. With valuable experience and a strong foothold in product distribution, market demand, and in-depth knowledge of the installation techniques for each product code, the company approaches customers sincerely, providing attentive support, sharing responsibility, and prioritizing reputation. Since its establishment, SGA Company has quickly gained trust and confidence from customers and has established distributors in almost every province and city nationwide. With over 19 years of participation in the distribution market and effective management and work methods of its staff, the company maintains stable inventory levels. SGA Company is always ready to listen, share, and provide prompt, responsible, and friendly support to customers and distributors.

Contact Us

The products distributed by SGA Company are always top-notch, with outstanding quality, fully certified with Standardization Certification, Compliance Certification, ISO, and warranties in accordance with the regulations of the Vietnam Quality Management Bureau for aluminum profiles and paint coatings. Customers can always feel assured and satisfied when using aluminum products distributed by SGA Company, with their elegant, sophisticated, and durable colors suitable for residential, office, and high-end architectural projects.
Saigon Aluminum Company is committed and delighted to continue distributing alongside its distributors to provide customers with the highest quality and most reputable aluminum profiles in the domestic market!
Saigon Aluminum Company sincerely thanks its valued customers and distributors for their trust, continued support, partnership, and collaboration with the company over the past years and for the years to come!

SGA Aluminum - Sustaining the Future!


Door Products

Đoạn mã động của bạn sẽ được hiển thị ở đây... Thông báo này được hiển thị vì bạn không cung cấp cả bộ lọc và mẫu để sử dụng.

Window Products

Đoạn mã động của bạn sẽ được hiển thị ở đây... Thông báo này được hiển thị vì bạn không cung cấp cả bộ lọc và mẫu để sử dụng.

Facade Frame Products

Đoạn mã động của bạn sẽ được hiển thị ở đây... Thông báo này được hiển thị vì bạn không cung cấp cả bộ lọc và mẫu để sử dụng.


Trademark Registration

Quality Management

Quality Standards



Production Line

Production Process


SGA doors need to be used with a synchronized metal accessory system with multi-point latches and 3D hinges to help the door be tight, multi-dimensional open and close, and sustainable. We have many di¢erent sets of accessories for many door models. You can use the below accessories set to create the perfect door system bacground.
